My Journey from Disliking Books to Becoming an Avid Reader

My Journey from Disliking Books to Becoming an Avid Reader

If someone from my childhood days had predicted my future love for reading, I would have laughed it off. As a child, I was deeply engrossed in mathematics, reveling in the satisfaction of solving complex problems. Reading, especially lengthy texts, felt like a chore. While I excelled academically, my grades clearly reflected my preferences: high…

The True Value of Helping Others: Beyond Reciprocity

The True Value of Helping Others: Beyond Reciprocity

Many advocate for helping others with the caveat: because one day, you might need their assistance. This often results in selective assistance, favoring those perceived as potentially beneficial. Those deemed incapable of reciprocation might be neglected or treated poorly. While our behaviors often stem from personal experiences or observed patterns, I’ve learned that this selective…

Time is Finite: The Sooner You Realize, The Better

Time is Finite: The Sooner You Realize, The Better

It’s a harsh truth many fail to realize early on: our time is finite. I was once scattered, saying yes to everything, ending up everywhere yet nowhere. This changed when I grasped the limitations of my time. Realizing that agreeing to everything wasn’t the pathway to success, I learned the importance of discerning what to…

Mindset: The Foundation of Success

Mindset: The Foundation of Success

During my recent “study with me” livestream, a comment from one of the participants struck a chord. The individual remarked, “C is hard,” referring to the C programming language known for its complexity, especially for beginners. While I acknowledge the difficulty of C, I have reservations about such statements, and here’s why. Yes, C can…

The Role of Self-Reflection in Personal Growth

The Role of Self-Reflection in Personal Growth

Growth doesn’t occur by chance; it’s an intentional journey. To genuinely progress in the right direction, we must be deliberate about our decisions and actions. Since high school, I’ve been an advocate for personal development, having delved into numerous books on the subject. A recurring theme in these readings is the significance of intentionality in…

Reclaiming My Sanctuary: A Commitment to Daily Writing and Self-Reflection

Reclaiming My Sanctuary: A Commitment to Daily Writing and Self-Reflection

Writing has always been my sanctuary; it grants me the luxury of introspection, allowing me to delve deep into the subjects I hold dear. Through writing, I find order amidst the whirlwind of ideas swirling within my mind. For me, writing is more than just penning down words—it’s an act of taming the chaos both…

Understanding Gradient Descent: From a Beginner’s Perspective

Understanding Gradient Descent: From a Beginner’s Perspective

I recently started learning Machine learning, and one of the first concepts that I came across was Gradient Descent. At first encounter, it seemed too abstract (maybe because of the resource I was using). I have put in some significant effort to learn more about it, and today I have decided to convert the notes…

A Ghanaian Can Equally Do What Other Human Beings in the World Can do

A Ghanaian Can Equally Do What Other Human Beings in the World Can do

Does our country have challenges? Yes, I agree we do. Are we considered developing for lack of resourcefulness? I agree with that too.These and many more are the things that may hold you back as a Ghanaian trying to achieve something worthwhile. However, instead of seeing these as stumbling blocks that will prevent you from…

Blogging Case Study: Starting A Blog And How To Make Money From It

Blogging Case Study: Starting A Blog And How To Make Money From It

This is a case study that you may be interested in if you have ever thought about starting your own blog. It costs so much to start a quality blog in Ghana Making a substantial income (money) from blogging in Ghana is very difficult Ranking websites from Ghana is difficult Producing quality content is difficult…

Is This Website Built With WordPress or Not – How To Know

Is This Website Built With WordPress or Not – How To Know

WordPress has now become almost synonymous with the word blogging. The name WordPress refers to two different platforms. There is and The is the more recommended if you are serious about running a blog or even a business website. However, if you are just starting out online and don’t have enough money…

Are Online Platforms Like Facebook And The Likes Really Free? – The Real Truth

Are Online Platforms Like Facebook And The Likes Really Free? – The Real Truth

How much do you really pay for using online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and the rest?  Do you think it’s free?  What of the hidden price that you aren’t aware of yet?  For those of you who think you are not paying anything for using platforms like Facebook and the likes, here is…

Content Ideas: Why You Struggle To Come Up With Them

Content Ideas: Why You Struggle To Come Up With Them

Have you asked yourself why you are struggling to come up with content ideas? I can’t help but imagine how frustrated you look at times when you sit behind your computer or phone, staring into it and not knowing what to write about. You have been doing endless research but to no avail. The number…