the internet

The Internet Is The Closest Man Has Come To Being Omnipresent

The internet has broken lots of odds and changed the way a lot of things used to be done. It has presented to us a trillion more opportunities that we couldn’t have without it. Nowadays, whenever you mention the internet people are inclined to think you mean either Google or Social Media. Do you think…

Why is everyone talking about machine learning and AI now?

Why is everyone talking about machine learning and AI now?

As interested as I am in programming, I keep researching new trends and nice things popping up in the field of programming. Recently there has been so much buzz about machine learning and artificial intelligence that I have longed to comprehend it better. There must be something about it making a lot of people talk…

Why You Shouldn’t Forsake Your Close Relations – Family & Friends

Why You Shouldn’t Forsake Your Close Relations – Family & Friends

Over the past six weeks, my experience in the hospital has drawn one important reason why you should never forsake your close relations to my attention, and I would like to share this with you in today’s post. Spending ample amounts of time in a hospital and seeing critically ill people causes one to reevaluate…

QUICK SURVEY  ON CHOOSING A COURSE IN UNIVERSITY – for undergraduates and graduates

QUICK SURVEY ON CHOOSING A COURSE IN UNIVERSITY – for undergraduates and graduates

Hi! I know you may be very busy but I will appreciate it if you could spare me some few minutes of your time. Please my name is Obed Ehoneah and I’m currently working on a platform to help high school students make the best choice of course to study in the University. I’m pretty…

The number one skill that will always be relevant – Get it and forever be on top

The number one skill that will always be relevant – Get it and forever be on top

As the saying goes, “the only constant in life is; change.” Almost every other thing in the world changes in one way or the other over time. Think back to about a decade ago if you were born by then, and you will realise that majority of the things that we upheld are either no…

Additional Conditions and Factors that You have to consider when thinking of starting a business

Additional Conditions and Factors that You have to consider when thinking of starting a business

In this episode of the Africapreneurship podcast, I discuss 4 other things to take into consideration when starting a business here in Africa. This is a continuation of the previous episode. These 4 points are; 1. Get Feedback 2. Make the business official now 3. Come up with a Business plan 4. Finance your business…

First 3 things to Consider in Starting a Business in Africa

First 3 things to Consider in Starting a Business in Africa

In this episode, I discuss what I consider as the first 3 pertinent conditions to consider when you think of starting a business. The notes are below; Who can start a business? You don’t need a university degree You don’t necessarily need a bunch of money in the bank A business experience is not a…



My perspective of life is summarised in this analogy. The world is like a playing field, more of a football pitch with people playing soccer on it. God being the coach, looking down unto the field. While He takes people off the field for poor performance, He also brings in new players expecting them to…